You Can Heal Nearly Anything with Plantain

No, not this plantain. I am talking about this common weed that grows in nearly every yard and roadside in the United States. Plantain weed is a first aid miracle that is usually close at hand for summertime boo-boos. And if you want it even handier, local midwife Maria Chowdhury uses it as a keyContinue reading “You Can Heal Nearly Anything with Plantain”

Basic Herbal First Aid

During the summer, we tend to be more active, but as my legs can attest, we are also more prone to injuries like burns, cuts, bites, and poison ivy. So, here are some of the natural first aid remedies that I always keep around my house. Arnica montana, both oral and topical, is the firstContinue reading “Basic Herbal First Aid”