Autism Spectrum Support

Do you know anyone with Autism or Asperger’s that needs a new perspective? There are natural interventions that can help them be their best. Check out my recent interview on Mother’s Guide Through Autism podcast to learn more. I discuss how genetics, environment, gut health, hidden infections, and many different factors may be contributing toContinue reading “Autism Spectrum Support”

Ashwagandha for Stress and Brain Health

If stress is at all a significant issue in your life, ashwagandha is an herb you should consider trying. We all know the negative effects stress can have on our lives. Not only do we feel stressed and tense, but long-term stress also contributes to the development of many common chronic diseases, such as depression,Continue reading “Ashwagandha for Stress and Brain Health”

Brighten Your Day with Lemonbalm!

Meet lemonbalm. She could be your new best friend especially if you are dealing with a lot of stress. Many of us push ourselves so hard everyday, and this can contribute to mood issues. So we need an herbal best friend to bring a little sunshine to our days. Lemonbalm is just such a friend.Continue reading “Brighten Your Day with Lemonbalm!”

Have a Healthier Winter with Vitamin D

We have been lucky this January to have so many sunny days, but are we still getting enough vitamin D? I know that most days I am working inside and only see the sun when I am taking care of my chickens in the morning. If we don’t get enough sun and our vitamin DContinue reading “Have a Healthier Winter with Vitamin D”

Shower Hokey Pokey: 1-minute a day to decrease your stress

I put my right leg in. I take my right leg out. I put my left leg in. And I think you can guess some of the next steps, but why am I doing this in the shower? After my normal warm shower, I turn the temperature to cold and step aside. Then I putContinue reading “Shower Hokey Pokey: 1-minute a day to decrease your stress”

A Connection between Depression and Heart Disease

In popular culture, the heart is often considered to be the seat of our emotions. We love and grieve with our hearts. From a biological point of view, we understand the heart as the organ that pumps blood through our bodies. But there is something more than that to the heart. I know I amContinue reading “A Connection between Depression and Heart Disease”

Is Methylfolate for You?

I’ve been wanting to write a blog about methylfolate for a while since the genetic variation in how we process folic acid can sometimes have a huge impact on heart, mood, and overall health. I’ve been delaying because it is not a simple topic, but here is a basic introduction to it. Our bodies useContinue reading “Is Methylfolate for You?”

Build a Better Brain with the Mineral Lithium

No, I am not crazy (or no more so than the average person), but you might describe me as very excited by the potential brain benefits of lithium. While lithium is most famous for its use in large doses for bipolar disorders, lower doses can have an impressive array of benefits for mood and long-termContinue reading “Build a Better Brain with the Mineral Lithium”

Save American Ginseng: Save Yourself

A new show on the History channel, Appalachian Outlaws, highlights the politics of one of this region’s most valuable herbs, American ginseng. Many of us here in the Ozarks also have a personal attachment to this medicinal plant. A good friend of mine had the ginseng patch he had nurtured for over 20 years decimatedContinue reading “Save American Ginseng: Save Yourself”